
Portland Oregon OR
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Day Trips
  • Mt St Helens National Volcanic Monument (1 hour from downtown Portland)
  • Over 30 years ago, this now-famous volcano erupted due to an earthquake, causing the largest landslide in recorded history. A mushroom cloud of ash burst from the volcano, darkening the sky and coating the landscape for miles. Mt St Helens lost 1,300 vertical feet over 100 acres of mature forest. Nowadays, the monument is a lesson in rebirth and tenacity, as once-devasted areas come back to life, and different species eke out an existence, creating a new environment.
Gay Info
Aids Group
Gay Aa
Live & Let Live AA 503/228-6091, 1210 SE 7th.
Gay Pride
June. 503/295-9788, www.pridenw.org.
Annual Events
Portland International. Take 205 South, then 84 West to City Center/Morrison Bridge exit. Cross the bridge, take Washington St into town.
Radio Cab 503/227-1212.
Super Shuttle
Raz 503/684-3322.
Public Transport
Tri-Met System 503/238-7433, www.trimet.org.
Tourist Attraction
Visitors Bureau
The wet and sometimes chilly winter rains give Portland a lush landscape that bursts into beautiful colors in the spring and fall. Summer brings sunnier days. (Temperatures can be in the 50°s one day and the 90°s the next.)
Best Views
International Rose Test Gardens at Washington Park.
Where The Girls Are
Try along SE Hawthorne & Belmont streets where some of the women's businesses are, or the NW section, 21st & 23rd Aves, for the more upscale lesbians.